Viktoria's Old Maetreum Blog

My name is Viktoria Whittaker. I used this blog when I was a priestess of the Maetreum. I am no longer affiliated with that organization. I was unceremoniously abused out of the organization in 2021. These are my stories.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

An Open Letter to Jeremiah Bruce Lennox

 An Open Letter to Rev. Jeremiah Bruce Lennox

From Rev. Viktoria Whittaker

We need to talk about Cathryn Platine. And the Maetreum of Cybele (a Pagan church and monastic retreat located at 3312 Route 23A in Palenville, NY). I’m here to address the elephant in the room regarding the Maetreum that no one wants to talk about. It has been a year and I have thought and prayed long and hard on this, and I am now ready to speak out publicly about what happened at the Maetreum. By means of a legal disclaimer, what I am about to describe is the truth as I understand it. I am prepared to swear to this under oath if need be and should facts prove me wrong I will publicly retract them.  I can also provide witnesses who are prepared to do the same as well as documentation. Moreover, none of this is new information. I am simply bringing into the light was has been long gossiped about but never publicly discussed.

For the benefit of others who are reading this, you have associated yourself closely with the Maetreum for the last 3 years. You have done so ostensibly as a “consultant” for the purpose of “rehabilitating” it as both an organization as well as repairing and upgrading its physical plant in the hopes of attracting more people and building a community there. This was a goal that I supported until recently. I now feel that doing so, if successful, can only lead to disaster for you and especially for any vulnerable people who come there. You see, the only way to reliably predict the future, is to fully and honestly understand the past. Allow me to explain:

I will begin with my own story. As you know I was elevated and ordained as a priestess there in March 2008 and served as both Secretary/Treasurer and Battakes-in-Waiting (Platine’s designated successor in the event of her death) among other roles. For thirteen years, I was utterly devoted to the goddess known as Cybele, Magna Mater (and still am), to the Maetreum, Platine, and the other priestesses per my vows. I resided there full-time for 4 of those years and was present for at least the weekends for the rest of the time. Over the years, I donated according to my best estimates over $100K in cash and goods to the organization because I loved it and believed in it so strongly. I also took out a $6000 personal loan in 2009 to pay back taxes in order to prevent foreclosure.

In the year 2019, Platine’s heart failed and she nearly died during open-heart surgery. After she came home from the hospital, something changed in her attitude towards me. She began to hate me and abuse me verbally in a way that she hadn’t before. She made absolutely NO attempt whatsoever to discuss whatever her issue was with me and resolve it, regardless of what she claims. Believe me, had she been open and direct with me, I would have bent over backward to make things right, such was my love and devotion to her. During this time, I tried my utmost to placate her, doing whatever she asked, dealing with her emotional abuse, and trying desperately to smooth things over until I was suffering from autistic burnout and Complex PTSD. This culminated in what I have previously explained to you was the very first autistic meltdown that I have experienced in seventeen years.

I was placed on involuntary sabbatical on July 3rd of 2021. I don’t disagree with that decision, given that I was so mentally worn down at that point I badly needed a break. However, it all went awry in the administration of it. Although it clearly states in the separation paperwork that I had 30 days by law to remove my possessions from the Maetreum, Platine informed me via private message that I was only being allowed a week and that I had to have EVERYTHING out by Sunday, July 11th and anything that was left behind “we will deal with”. To begin with, this is illegal. My estimate of the value of the property left behind (which includes art and antiques) is around $12K. This potentially makes what happened to me Grand Larceny. You may also want to remember how Platine very nearly grew violent with me on that day when she literally threw me out of the house and you needed to break it up.

I was then defrocked a week later at the July 10th Conclave for things that I didn’t do. There was absolutely NOTHING that was kind or merciful about it! For the record, she told me NOT to attend that Conclave with veiled threats. I was absolutely NOT willfully absent. Therefore, the “natural consensus” which made that decision was in fact anything but natural. There could NOT have been a fair debate because I was not allowed to attend to defend myself. There can be no true consensus when there is no debate. It’s rather ironic because even if I hadn’t been defrocked, I had no intentions whatsoever of returning. The prior weekend, she had thrown a tantrum worthy of any toddler in front of our guests, accusing me of following her around and “not giving her space” just when I was doing my best to avoid her! I decided then that I was done. Just done. I didn’t fight it and I didn’t protest. I’ve just been focused on healing and recovering over the last year.

Think I’m being Sour Grapes because I was kicked out? Well, I would be if my story was unique. If it was, I would happily sit with what I had done and work on doing penance and making amends to Cathryn and the others. By now you know me well enough to know that I am a deeply introspective person who is not afraid to hold herself to account. But my story is NOT unique. Far from it.

After much personal reflection and discussing the matter with many other people, I have concluded that what happened to me is merely the latest and most blatantly egregious example of a pattern of behavior that Cathryn Platine follows like clockwork. It goes like this:

1.      1She meets someone new. She turns on her megawatt charm and gets them interested in the Maetreum and what is going on there. They become her friend and are completely dazzled by her. Love-bombing then commences.

2.      2. She then gets the person to commit to volunteering, donating money or other goods, or even moving in and/or studying to become a priestess. She builds up a sense of solidarity with the new target by sharing horrific stories about how she was mistreated by prior associates/volunteers/Maetreum clergy. She may encourage the person to think of the Maetreum as “Your Home” as she did with me. If the person is particularly desirable to her, she will intensify the commitment by suggesting that she will make them her heir, which is what happened to me and several others and what I suspect is happening to you. There’s a term I would like you to look up: Future Faking.

3.     3She then works to extract whatever she can from them. When they have nothing to give in terms of money or goods, she extracts as much labor from them as possible. She frequently manipulates and maneuvers the person into doing things that they are not comfortable with and even to the point of indirectly inflicting physical pain and injury. The smart and/or lucky ones get out on their own at this point

4.      4She becomes weary of the person, or feels threatened by them, or jealous of them, or they figure out her scam or she becomes too dependent upon them and bitterly resents that dependence. I suspect the latter is the REAL reason why she discarded me and that it had absolutely nothing at all to do with anything I actually did. She then begins the process of devaluing, dehumanizing, and finally discarding them. This typically manifests in presentations of hostility. They begin as subtle - coldness, insults, subtle disrespect, and other humiliation in front of others. She refuses to talk to the person about just what her concern actually is and if she does, it will consist of exaggerations and even outright lies. If they do not leave on their own, she will escalate, becoming verbally abusive and even physically abusive.

5.    5.  The endgame is that she throws them out: she yells, screams, threatens, or actually becomes violent. She will even brandish weapons. YES, I HAVE SEEN HER DO THIS. She makes it clear that she will not respect their rights and that she will physically harm them if they stay any longer. The victim then rushes the move-out, leaving behind valuable and/or sentimental goods that they would not have otherwise been inclined to abandon and frequently regret having lost. Platine then pockets whatever is left behind and even discards items out of spite.  Chelsea Goodwin has stated to me that she considers this to be a form of armed robbery. I can’t disagree with that.

6.    6.   The aftermath is that Platine will then continue to abuse the victim remotely by conducting a smear campaign against them as a way of justifying what she did to them as well as completing the cycle to win over new victims. She does this by telling lies about them to whoever will listen typically consisting of them abusing her. Or stealing from her. But most of all, the victim is the one who is dangerously crazy. Not her. Never her. Another priestess who happens to be a forensic psychiatrist then provides justification by backing up Platine’s claims about the person’s mental health, even though she never had any personal interaction with the victim, let alone examined them in a clinical setting. And if Platine feels particularly belligerent, she may even attempt to destroy their lives by making bogus complaints to their employers, licensing boards, or whatever groups they affiliate with. She may even make false complaints to the police about crimes that they did not commit (FYI, knowingly making a false criminal complaint is classified as a criminal misdemeanor. It wastes police time and resources and is considered a crime against Justice itself. It is punishable by up to a year in jail. Just sayin'.).

I have come to identify and recognize this pattern not only through 13 years of close association with and observation of her, but also from speaking to numerous people about this issue. Here are a few of their stories:

Let me begin with the story of Sage, which I am relating with their permission: They stayed at the Maetreum part-time during the spring of 2021. After a few weeks, Platine decided she didn’t like them and decided to throw them out as she invariably does. I tried to talk her into just simply making things uncomfortable enough so that Sage would want to leave voluntarily and peacefully. Instead, she overwhelmed Sage with complaints about things that made no sense as well as verbal abuse and threats in my presence during a house meeting. This included assertions that she’s had to use firearms to get prior tenants out. This terrified and traumatized Sage and they were completely moved out in 24 hours. Believe me, this was all fresh in my mind when she threw me out and this is why I left most of my things behind. I was completely terrorized by Platine just as Sage was! 

Second is the story of the woman from Texas (I do not have her permission to use her real name) who resided there from September to November 2019. Remember? The one that you insisted that I Ghost? She was forced to leave when a schizophrenic charity case that we made the mistake of taking in started a kitchen fire and then shut the kitchen door, closing her in. This triggered an asthmatic attack that led her to the emergency room. Ms. Texas feels certain that Ms. Schizophrenic had every intention of killing her. I asked Platine to please remove Ms. Schizophrenic since I felt that she had proven herself to be an active, physical danger to the household. She opted to evict Ms. Texas instead because Ms. Schizophrenic proved to be very adept at manipulating her (by doing things like cooking her meals and preparing foot baths for her). Her sole income is Social Security Disability and she spent what little savings she had transporting herself and her pets to Palenville. She needed help returning home to Texas where she had an offer of housing because she would have become homeless just at the beginning of winter. She was forced by the situation Platine created to leave her beloved cats behind. Although her fortunes have since turned, she was living literally hand-to-mouth for the last two years and would have to go without eating for the last week or so of each month.  Platine literally ruined her life and she still experiences PTSD flashbacks concerning her time spent at the Maetreum.

But that’s not all! During the winter and spring of 2019, a trans and non-binary couple moved up from New York City. I’m not going to name them, but the trans woman is the one that Platine refers to as “Rat Tranny” because she wrongly blames her for the rat infestation that we had to deal with that year (Do I need to elaborate on just how sickeningly transphobic and disrespectful that is????) Platine threw them out just before she went into the hospital. They had to live on the couch of a new friend because she refused to allow them the full 30 days to find other accommodations. I begged, literally begged her to at least let them stay in the 5th wheel trailer until they could find a new home, but she refused. Admittedly, they did cause damage to the property and were not well suited to life at the Maetreum, but no one deserves that kind of cruel treatment and disrespect. No one.

I could go on and on with examples that I personally witnessed. I hope that I have made the point that what she did to me when she discarded me is hardly unique and is not even recent. It goes back even further than my involvement with the Maetreum.

During my time spent as a Maetreum Priestess, Platine made it abundantly clear that there were certain people that I was NOT to associate with (Which is, naturally, a big red flag right there, but I digress). Since I am now out and on my own, there is nothing keeping me from doing so. I’ve since spoken with more than two dozen people including former Maetreum clergy, members, and residents. Their perspective has been refreshing. And sobering. Not only was I informed that this pattern of throwing people out while terrorizing them with threats of violence and stealing whatever property that they abandoned in haste is longstanding, but I was also faced with another bombshell:

Cathryn Platine is not a priestess anymore. She was defrocked as a priestess by the Cybeline Conclave.


I’ve since become good friends with her archenemy, Chelsea Goodwin. Among the documents that she was gracious enough to give me were the minutes of two conclaves held during 2007 as well as a signed, notarized affidavit. It turns out that what happened during that period that Platine refers to as “The Insurrection” was NOT an insurrection at all! What happened was that after five years of her treating tenants and guests in the same abusive and even violent ways, the Conclave voted her out and defrocked her. Yes, you read that right. She was rightfully removed for abusing the vulnerable transwomen who were staying under their roof and then stealing their belongings. 

Not only that, she was misappropriating organization funds. This typically consisted of her asking several priestesses for cash to pay the bills. Numerous duplicate payments were then made, she would pay the bills and then pocket the excess. This was a pattern that I witnessed myself. At the time, I was in denial, but now I recognize it as the pattern of malfeasance that it is.

I can’t count how many times she would ask me to “not tell Sister S. that Sister C. made the contribution to pay the bills” and “not talk on the private priestess group about how much money is in the bank account”. She would also occasionally pocket cash donations and NEVER allowed me to inspect the Amazon and eBay purchase records, so I just dutifully recorded them as “miscellaneous household expenses” on the Treasurer’s report each year.

Because she was voted out and defrocked, Platine had moved out into her own apartment just up the road during 2006-2007. There was a lack of consensus among the other priestesses about providing her housing, but nonetheless, she managed to force her way back onto the property in the Fall of 2007. She essentially squatted in the back house and occupied it by force, daring the remaining priestesses to call the police on her. Remember, she owns firearms and is not shy about letting you know it.

This was around the time that I first met her and back then I naively assumed that her actions were heroic because Platine completely misrepresented what had happened to her on the internet as a hostile takeover by an evil bunch of “criminal heretics” whose sole motivation was to steal the Maetreum property. You may recall at the time there was not much in the way of social media: there was email, blogs, Yahoo groups, YouTube, and not much else. She had control of the Maetreum’s website and I was not acquainted with anyone who could explain what the real story was. Apparently, the Conclave did not have any other way to correct her misinformation and get the truth out. The truth is that Platine is the one who staged the hostile takeover, not them. The Rule of the Women of Cybele, when working as designed, resulted in her rightful expulsion.

I had been under the impression that a Maetreum associate, Reverend Jamie Hunter, gave her a copy of the key to the back house and she moved in against the Conclave’s wishes. Jamie denies this because she NEVER had a key and believes that Platine stole it and then lied about it. By that time, many of the other priestesses were just so disgusted with the situation that they quit, leaving only Platine and the few women that were loyal to her (who just happened to live out of state and seldom visit). She later kicked Jamie out as well. I recently reconnected with Jamie and she states that her expulsion had the same features as mine: She was verbally attacked, threatened with violence, terrorized, and forced to leave her belongings behind, including treasured family heirlooms. She gave Jamie NO opportunity to remove her belongings. It was just simply, "GET OUT AND DON'T COME BACK!" Moreover, she has NO idea of just what it was that she did to earn Platine’s ire. As bad as my expulsion was, hers was worse. Much worse. She had nowhere to go and she was left homeless! Moreover, she and Platine were close for a number of years and Platine was one of the people that she loved more than anything in the world! Apart from being made homeless, she was utterly devastated and traumatized by that rejection. It propelled her onto a downward spiral of poverty and hard drug use that eventually landed her in prison. Although she has been gradually building her life back up since her release, Jamie states that to this day she STILL has PTSD-related nightmares regarding that event!

Reverend Lennox, I BEG you, out of basic decency PLEASE REMOVE YOURSELF AND YOUR PEOPLE FROM THE MAETREUM! It is NOT safe there and they are in potential danger! Platine is getting worse, not better, mentally. Given that you have worked professionally with elderly people for some time now, I’m sure you have noticed how she’s going downhill. Yes, I know that you have a deep understanding of the physical and mental needs of seniors, but Cathryn Platine is NOT your average senior citizen! I don’t care how adept you think you are at managing her. You can’t control her. No one can.  Moreover, she owns firearms and has made it clear that she has no qualms about using them. Yes, I know that I belabor that point, but I want you and any other reader to understand the potential for violence here.

Yes, I am well aware that Platine has some very deep and unhealed trauma issues, and I have no doubt that former associates, including myself, may have inadvertently triggered those traumas. I have compassion for all trauma survivors, including her, but she has completely lost my sympathy. She has lost it because for YEARS I would try SO HARD to get her to take accountability for her words and actions as well as agree to go to therapy. I tried to get her to understand that she was hurting vulnerable people who did not deserve what she was doing to them. And invariably, her response would be, “Oh YEAH? Well *I* (insert whatever incident in her past made her feel vindicated in abusing others)”. She has come full circle from being a victim to becoming an abuser herself because she used her own trauma to justify inflicting it on others. At the final meeting on July 3rd when I was placed on sabbatical, you attempted to remind her to show compassion for me when she began acting up. Let me put this bluntly: if compassion does not come naturally to someone who is already 73 years of age, it’s never going to come. True empathy and compassion are just not part of her psychological makeup. Yes, she started a charitable nonprofit. I have my own theories as to what her actual reasons for doing so are, but I am not going to speculate on them here.

You said to me the last time we spoke in the Maetreum Temple that if you thought that Platine was abusive, you would leave immediately. You then invalidated my complaints of abuse in the very same breath! Several months later, you expressed great contempt for BOTH Platine and me by saying that we are both “horrible” and that “Only I can save the Maetreum”.

No, Reverend Lennox. You can’t save the Maetreum, because it’s already gone.  

The Maetreum died when Platine returned against the wishes of the Conclave in 2007. Yes, she did create a system that is beautiful on paper, but she has spent the last 20 years violating every single precept of it. It’s no accident that she never behaves, speaks like, or even makes an effort to present herself as a priestess. That’s because she isn’t one. She isn’t a leader, either. Since then, she has been running the Maetreum in ways that are, to put it kindly, selfish and unsustainable. Her actions have been unethical and immoral at the very least, if not actual grounds for arrest. I don’t know how I could have made it any clearer that the Maetreum’s bad name is not simply caused by poor PR and her unfortunate online outbursts. I have stated the facts of the situation, and I will leave it up to the reader to draw their own conclusions about Cathryn Platine.

As I have previously stated, the only real way to predict the future is to look at the past. I predict that if you do not leave and take your people with you, she is going to do great harm to them, and then throw them out. It will start with one chosen scapegoat, then another, then another, until the remaining people no longer feel safe and leave on their own. I don’t think that you personally will be the first one to get the ax, but I think that you will witness a great many horrible things being done to undeserving and vulnerable people and if you have any shred of humanity in you, your own mental health will suffer for it as mine did. Believe me, even though I was not the direct target of her abuse for many years, watching abuse being perpetrated against others inflicts its own trauma!

Now I’m sure your reaction to all this is, “But we are not like you and the others! We’re better people and she would NEVER do that to us!” No, you are no better than me or anyone else and believe me, I used to think that I was better than those people she threw out, too. The truth is, NONE of us knew the exact reason why she threw us out. The horrifying conclusion that I have reached is that she just invents reasons when she has no further use for people. Whatever harm perpetrated against the victim, or even to the Maetreum itself isn’t any of her concern. Human beings for her are just a means to an end and are as disposable to her as Kleenex.

“But all I have to do is outlive her and when she dies it’s all mine! Then I’ll make it better! You’ll see!” I figure that you’re thinking that, too. Yes, I know how rare, wonderful, and special the Maetreum of Cybele potentially is and how you want it to be the best that it can be, but believe me, it’s all an impossible dream. Yes, it has done some good, but under Platine’s leadership, it has done much harm as well. And no, the good does NOT balance out the bad – the bad has negated the good. And that is the central tragedy and failure of the Maetreum of Cybele under Platine’s leadership. Moreover, she has a way of managing to survive whatever life throws at her! I stuck out 13 years and she lived to throw me out!

Think it was “hard” and “sad” when I was removed last summer? It only gets worse from here on out. Much worse. Believe me, I know. Of the many things that have been said to me by the many people that I have spoken with about this, the statement that stuck with me the most was, “Viktoria, if YOU were not safe, then NO ONE is safe!”

The only way to minimize the harm to yourself and your people is to get out now! However, I am not suggesting that you should completely abandon her, either. I strongly encourage you to use your influence and contacts to get her in touch with Adult Protective Services or whatever other organization in Greene County that serves the interests of the vulnerable elderly. If she refuses the help, it isn’t your concern. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make her drink.

Let her go. And let the Maetreum go. Leave the property to the absentee priestesses to deal with when she is gone.

You cannot begin to know just how much it breaks my heart to say this: it’s time to let Cathryn Platine and the Maetreum of Cybele die and rot in peace.


Rev. Viktoria Whittaker

An independent priestess of Cybele, Magna Mater.

P.S. If you wish to discuss this letter with me, I will insist upon a public forum. You may do so in the comments section of this blog entry or YouTube video. Or also in a moderated discussion on In Goth We Trust on WIOX radio. If you turn up on my doorstep, I will turn on my phone and Livestream the conversation. Any comment on the Maetreum Facebook page will be responded to in my blog. 


Reyn said...

Wow - that is sobering. I am so sorry to hear all that. I wondered what had happened, but of course would never ask (you know my background Viktoria, you know I wouldn't). I am aghast. I thought that was a stable pagan group, I'd even considered coming to visit once or twice for a ritual, but toward the end of my career didn't have much time, and have been revisiting the idea since I retired a few months ago - but noticed you no longer seemed associated with it and combined with the fact that I'm not trans or female thought maybe I wouldn't be welcome, so didn't.

I appreciate the courage and effort it took to write that out and share it with all of us.

Blessed be.


Jay Stewart said...

Cathy! Whats done in the dark will be brought to the light. Go tell that long time liar, go tell that midnight rider, tell the rambler, the gambler and backbiter that almighty is going to cut you down. You can run on for a long time, run on for a long time, run on for a long time. Sooner or Later almighty is going to cut you down.

Jo Voodoo said...

yeah, Cathy is one big hot mess. People need to shun the hell out of her

Viktoria said...

I received this comment from Helen Montage Farrell in the form of an email. Here is her unedited comment:

Thank you for writing about the pattern of abuse from Cathy. I experienced it after she moved back in the house. Her bitterness toward “ Cat” Chelsey. There was so much trash talk and nastey comments that I needed to speak up and asked that they stop. I was not familiar with Cat being Chelsea and thought they were talking about the cats that were in the house. Many times I wondered whether it was Cathy or Chelsea that was in the wrong.

Then it was Jullia, she has health issues and they became more of an issue very quickly. Didn’t her mom have to come and get her right away? She made a comment about her love for Cathy that came out sideways, and Jullia needed to leave quickly. It was harsh . When Hunter was targeted and we were getting her stuff out of the room on the first floor. Cathy ordered me to burn her stuff. I was so disheartened when Jamie showed up and her stuff was burning , she had little or no warning. One time she insisted that we all had to repeat our vows in the outside temple, I was very sick I think from the toxic atmosphere it did not matter I had to attend. I thrue up going back to the house. The final straw for me was when we had to meet in her Livingroom. Everyone was telling me that they were afraid for me and of me. I was sanctioned all weapons needed to be removed from the house. I could not sleep and started packing at first light. Cathy badgered me all the while I withdrew my allegiance to her and told her that Danial would be going to be going thru my room and sending me stuff I should keep. I did not get rid of the hatred she projected toward me till I got to Montana. When Danial sent me personal photos and important documents she sent me a nasty email saying I was stealing her stuff. I had left all there except my personal items that she would have burnt. Thank you Helen Montage Farrell

Viktoria said...

Thank you, Reyn. This kind of feedback is exactly why I'm so glad that I did this! Believe me, I have been wrestling with this for months! Whatever criticism I'm going to get for this, I did it because I am deeply concerned about what Platine has done in the past and what she's capable of moving forward.

Viktoria said...

I agree. While we've all been big hot messes at some point in our lives, the problem with her is that not only does she refuse to do anything about it, she takes it one step further and uses her own pain to justify inflicting it on others. Maybe that's what sets abusers in general apart from the rest of us: we all hurt, but rather than face and process their own pain, abusers deal with it by offloading it onto others, this perpetuating the cycle. It's certainly the pattern that Platine follows.

Jay Stewart said...

Cathy does deserve to shunned and called out.


Very well written and yes they all need to be held accountable I have no idea why I was told the ins and outs of the workings of that place including financial I've refused to become a priestess for my own reasons when I was told that I almost caused a miscarriage to someone which was not my fault we were all out it I was not able to speak to that person, because I wouldn't bow to what they wanted or yet Cathy wanted I was banned. For her to try and cast a spell on me is one of the worst things she could have ever done never affected me and she wound up for the heart attack she messed with the wrong witch Maetreum Delenda Est